
Download Hardware Profiles For Android Studio

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This article is intended for users of Foxit Quick PDF Library for Android.

Setting Up Android Studio. See Getting Started with Android Studio for information about setting up the Android Studio development environment. If you have an existing installation of Android Studio or the Android Gradle Plugin, refer to Android Tools Version Compatibility to ensure that they are compatible.

  1. Since the Android platform will be installed on a wide variety of phones/hardware configurations - I was wondering what support Android has for this. For example - can it support a phone that does not have a screen that toggles between a landscape and portrait bias - and if so, how easy is it to write apps that degrades nicely for this hardware.
  2. This article is intended for users of Foxit Quick PDF Library for Android. The Android Virtual Device (AVD) is an emulator configuration that lets you model an actual device by defining hardware and software options to be emulated by the Android Emulator. It comes as an optional download when you install Android Studio.
  3. Support and Downloads. Are there hardware profiles for zebra devices that can be used when creating virtual devices in android studio?
  4. Download Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager - Improve the speed of your Android emulations on Intel VT enabled systems with the help of this Android SDK hardware-assisted virtualization.
  5. Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) recommended by Google for Android application development, based on IntelliJ IDEA. In this blog, we will learn how to install Android Studio that we will use for making some cool Android projects with ease.
  6. Launch Android Studio and open AVD Manager (Tools AVD Manager). If you have an existing virtual device, click Edit button and simply select the downloaded Emulator Skin. Otherwise, click Create Virtual Device in AVD Manager. In Virtual Device Configuration, click New Hardware Profile to create a profile for your new virtual device.

The Android Virtual Device (AVD) is an emulator configuration that lets you model an actual device by defining hardware and software options to be emulated by the Android Emulator. It comes as an optional download when you install Android Studio.


Please note: Android Emulator’s can be quite slow to load and performance is lower than what you get if you test directly on a physical device. However, it gives you the opportunity to test a variety of different device form factors and phone/tablet models.

  1. In Android Studio go to “Tools (Menu Bar) >Android > AVD Manager.
  2. Click on the “Create Virtual Device” button.
  3. Select “Phone” or “Tablet” as Category and select the device which you want to use to make a Virtual Device. Then click on the “Next” button. Note: select a small screen device for better emulator performance. Devices with a large screen will have a longer launch time (Nexus 4, Nexus 5 etc).
  4. Select the System Image i.e. the API level of Android OS (KitKat, Lollipop etc). Foxit Quick PDF Library for Android requires an API level of 15 or higher.
  5. Now you will see options to verify the Emulator Settings otherwise you may change the settings according to your requirement from this dialog as well and then click on the “Finish” button.
  6. Now you will see the newly created Emulator in the list of available Android Virtual Devices.
  7. After launching the Emulator (by double-click on the Emulator option that you want to use as show in the screenshot above), wait for the “Home Screen” to load on the Android Virtual Device and then run the application. It’s important that the Virtual Device has finished loading before you try to run the application otherwise it won’t be recognized by Android Studio and you will be prompted to launch the Emulator again which can cause issues. Once the Virtual Device has loaded and you have run the application the dialog below will appear and you can select the Android device that you wish to use.
  8. Finally you should now see your application running in the Android Emulator.


  1. Android Studio can be a bit sensitive with the Emulators. If you find the Emulator isn’t working (when it has previously worked) check the task manager and remove any loaded Emulator processes. If that doesn’t work try rebooting. This can be an issue in step 7 if you try loading the same Emulator twice you will find that it a) doesn’t let you and b) causes ongoing issues until you have resolved the conflict (as already mentioned, rebooting helps but is not the most efficient).
  2. We suggest launching the Emulator first from the ADV Manager and waiting for the Emulator to fully load the device (i.e. homescreen is shown) before trying to run the app on the Emulator. If the Emulator has not fully loaded then it will not be shown in the Choose Device screenshot shown in step 7 when you try running the app and then it will give you the option to launch the Emulator again and this will just result in frustrating Emulator conflict issues. Refer to note #1.

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Ready to try Foxit PDF SDK?Free Trial

The Manatee Works Barcode Scanner SDK is implemented as a software library that provides a lightweight, yet powerful barcode detection and decoding API optimized for mobile platforms. The core routines are implemented in a static C library for high performance and portability, and where necessary, native wrappers are provided for the various platforms (e.g., a Java implementation class for Android).

The Barcode Scanner library supports the following barcode symbologies and sub-types.

Steps for creating the application

  1. Download and install the latest Android Studio using on-screen instructions.
  2. Download the demo application from the attached file: ManateeWorks Application
    Unzip it and open Android Studio and Import the project. After importing the project always Clear/Rebuild.

    image 1 - How to import your project

  3. We need to give the application permissions to use our camera. To do this we add:
    This application works offline and you don’t need an internet connection.
    This is just an example from the manifest that is already written in our application, which gives camera permissions and in order to work you probably don’t need to change anything.
  4. Register your license key.
    Our SDK barcode needs to have a valid license in order to work. Basically, without a license, the scanner still works, but it obfuscates the results by injecting * chars in the resulting string. For this purpose, to be able to see the full glory of the scanner, first you need to create your Manatee Works developer account and generate your 30 day trial license.
    After you've obtained the license key, open the activity capture and enter the code below in row 135:

    Where you need to change “SDK KEY” to your free trial registration license key.

Overview and features of the application

First activity is Splash (MainActivity), it lasts for 3 seconds and then automatically the class bellow transports you to the list activity (List activity). This is the function that transports you to the another activity (ListActivity).

Android Intent can be defined as a simple message objects which is used to communicate from 1 activity to another.

Intents define intention of an Application . They are also used to transfer data between activities.

An Android Intent can be used to perform the following 3 tasks :

  1. Open another Activity or Service from the current Activity
  2. Pass data between Activities and Services
  3. Delegate responsibility to another application. For example, you can use Intents to open the browser application to display a URL.

List activity is the first activity that you see after the splash is finished. /download-game-naruto-ppsspp-for-pc.html. Below the list view, you can find an Edit Text Field where you can put the name of the item that you would like to add to your list, shown below in our Item List:

Every Item has a Name, Barcode type and Barcode result. We can add new, edit or delete an item.

Now, let's add some buttons to control Scanning, and some bonus content, a Google Talk button that will let us dictate the name of our items, instead of typing them in:

Button - is a Push-button which can be pressed, or tapped, by the user to perform an action.

EditText - is an overlay over TextView that configures itself to be editable. It is the predefined subclass of TextView that includes rich editing capabilities.

Overview of the solution

The first button on the action bar in the application, from right to left, is the Google Talk button. You can use speech recognition to dictate and add items to the list.

All this is executed from the function below:

image 2 - Google Voice in Action

That is all nice and well, but nothing to do with barcodes yet, so let's move to the fun part: The Scanning button. If you've built the app it should be shown on the screen to the top right as a barcode image (next to Google Talk Button).
This part of the code brings you to ActivityCapture, and returns result as new Item with Type and Barcode, which are then added to the Item List. The Item’s Name is added later with an Edit Text field, which is found at the bottom of the item list: “Add new item”.

EditText is the place where you can add the name for the items and is added to the list see below code:

The ArrayList class extends AbstractList and implements the List interface. ArrayList supports dynamic arrays that can grow as needed. Standard Java arrays are of a fixed length. After arrays are created, they cannot grow or shrink, which means that you must know in advance how many elements an array will hold.

image 2 - Google Voice in Action

This part of the code shows how to send data from ActivityCapture (Manateeworks Barcode Scanner) to the MainActivity class.

The result of scanning is contained in onActivityResult.

When we start another activity from current activity to get the result for it, we call the method startActivityForResult(intent, RESPONSE_CODE);. It redirects to another activity like opens camera, gallery, etc. After taking an image from the gallery or camera we return to the current activity and the first method that is called is onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data).

Now obviously you won't need some items, not all barcodes are created equal, so some will get trashed. To enable this in our application, we have:

The ViewHolder (holder) design pattern enables you to access each list item view without the need for the look up, saving valuable processor cycles. Specifically, it avoids frequent call of findViewById() during ListView scrolling, and that will make it smooth.

ViewHolders belong to the adapter. Adapters should feel free to use their own custom ViewHolder implementations to store data that makes binding view contents easier.

Edit button– We saw how we can delete an item, let's see how we edit one:

Add barcodes to your items list – We want to associate an item with a barcode, this is done so that later we can 'scrath off' an item from the list by scanning their barcode.

Download Hardware Profiles For Android Studio Software

Finally, after reviewing the buttons, the following code shows how we can Save the Item List.

When the application is closed you don’t lose the items.

image 3 - Adding a new item to the list


If you followed the tutorial correctly you should have a working android application where you can change everyting you like and modify the applicitation to suit your needs.

Here we explain in short steps How To make your own Shopping Barcode Scanner application in Android Studio.
Trajce Poprizov

Hardware Profiles Download For Android Studio


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Mobile apps need to be increasingly more engaging to succeed. Manatee Works can help. Our mobile barcode scanner SDK is available on all major mobile development platforms.